Equality, diversity and inclusion statement

Independent Lives is steadfast in our commitment to cultivating an environment where everyone – regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin – is valued and respected.

Our commitment to equality

We aim to create a space where everyone is treated fairly and provided with equal opportunities, ensuring that all individuals have the capability to achieve their fullest potential, free from any form of discrimination or bias.

Championing diversity

We recognise and celebrate the wealth of perspectives that diversity brings to our organisation, believing that it enriches our work and enhances our ability to effectively serve our diverse community. We vow to create a space where differences are embraced and where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued.

Inclusion as our culture

Inclusion is the cornerstone of our culture. We strive to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment where every team member, volunteer, partner, and beneficiary feels a sense of belonging and is empowered to contribute their unique insights and capabilities in a meaningful way.

Our pledge

  • Fairness: Ensure equitable opportunities and outcomes for all, by recognising and valuing different starting points, needs, and contributions.
  • Accessibility: Guarantee that our services, projects, and opportunities are accessible to all individuals, eliminating barriers that may inhibit participation.
  • Learning and development: Foster an environment that promotes learning and development in understanding the diverse needs of our community and incorporating these learnings into our daily operations.
  • Collaboration: Work cohesively with our communities and stakeholders to continuously learn, adapt, and enhance our strategies to ensure they are inclusive and effective.
  • Zero tolerance for discrimination: Uphold a zero-tolerance stance towards any form of discrimination, harassment, or victimisation within our spaces, ensuring swift actions against such occurrences.

Moving forward

We commit to regularly reviewing and adapting our policies and practices to ensure they remain relevant, effective, and reflective of our ongoing commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.

We will continually seek feedback from our team members, volunteers, partners, and the communities we serve to ensure our practices not only uphold but champion our values of equality, diversity, and inclusion.

This statement is not just an expression of our organisation’s stance but is embedded in our everyday operations, actions, and decision-making processes.

Last updated: 23 October 2023