Quality policy

Independent Lives is committed to focusing on the needs and requirements of its customers and service users.

Independent Lives is committed to protecting all interested parties, including volunteers and partner organisations, against (actual or potential) hazards, resulting from its actions, that pose a risk to information security, personal safety, health or environmental issues, where it has the knowledge and capabilities to do so.

The leadership team will continue to seek and receive best advice with reference to current legislation and best practice.

The leadership team will ensure that it continues to employ, mentor, train and develop people to enable positive approaches and attitudes and to respond to the 'can-do' culture in the organisation.

Independent Lives’ leadership team will continue to monitor processes, procedures and key performance indicators, including the delivery of our services, for continual improvement and to ensure Independent Lives understands its customers’ and service users’ needs and requirements. Our focus will be on a ‘right first time, every time’ philosophy to maintain customer satisfaction.

Independent Lives will continue to listen to the voice of our members, customers, service users, partners and other interested parties, and will address all customer and supplier complaints and positive feedback as opportunities to improve.

Independent Lives’ trustees and Leadership teams are committed to ensuring the required capabilities, resources and budgets are in place to meet all forecasts and planned projects.

Last updated: 7 May 2024